What made the impact
Published on October 24, 2004 By Varoom In Misc
In reading and replying to Texas Wahine's post on places to visit on Oahu got me thinking about places I had visited that had had an impact on me. I had agreed with her that the Arizona Memorial was one of my fav's on Oahu. That got me thinking about other places that had affected me, either positively or negatively.

I went on a month-long tour of Europe between my sophmore and junior year of college with a tour group. Saw most of the usual tourist sights in Greece, France, England, Italy and Austria. It was when we got to Germany that I realized what an impact history can have on someone. We saw many museums and ruins that I had read about or studied in both high school and college. When we were in Germany, we visited Dachau which I assume many people know was a Jewish concentration camp. Up to this point, the trip had been light-hearted and fun. I can frequently pull out my old pictures and remember what sights I had seen and have them to show to others. At Dauchau, you are not allowed to take cameras into the sight. After viewing the musuem, which has blown up pics of the horrors that went on there the mood of everyone was obviously very sullen. After seeing the ovens that were used to cremate bodies and the "shower rooms" which were actually used to kill, I was forever changed. Because I only have the visual imprint of what I saw there, I don't have a constant reminder of what it was like, as you would with "vacation" pics. But also, because of this, the visuals are sharper in my mind than any other sight I have in pictures. I went on this European tour when I was 20 and I am now 38. Stays with you a long time......

With all the comments and blogs referring to racism recently, this only reminded me of this experience even more. To hear anyone moaning and groaning over the "White Trash" or "Black Trash" articles, which were meant to be light-hearted is really nothing compared to the true racism that occured during the Holacaust. I know I have a hard time watching films that depict this era of history, yet I watch every time they come on so that I can remember what racism truly is at it's worst. The "Pianist" was on t.v. a few days ago and even though I have seen it 3 or 4 times as well as owning the DVD, I still had to watch it and cried as usual.

This is the event or place that made the biggest impact on me. What about others? I would welcome hearing what place or event made a deep impact on you and why....

Varoom (Melissa)

on Oct 24, 2004
i remember having gone to visit my uncle's which was a pretty deserted place some ten yrs back...so basically enroute on the highway we saw some pretty spooky happenings,that needless to say still give me d goosebumps sometimes...visit my blog
on Oct 24, 2004

I am a big horror fan so give me more details of the spooky things that happened on the way to your Uncle's...

I read your blog and i especially liked your "I Will Change" article.

Thanks for reading....

on Oct 24, 2004
I'd have to say that just about every place I visit affects me to one extent or another, but I know that isn't what you're asking.

I think if I had to choose one place that I have visited that had an impact on me, I would have to say it was New York City after the 9/11 attack. The utter destruction was incredible. I helped haul away much of the debris from that attack and it was a sobering experience to say the least.
on Oct 24, 2004

It was hard enough for most of us to see the images of the towers falling and the aftermath on t.v. day after day and come to grips with it....I can't even imagine what it must have been like for you to actually be there with all the rubble and know there were so many people missing. I applaud you for helping with the debris. Thanks for the input!

on Dec 01, 2005
I have to agree with Mason....Seeing that smoldering hole where the WTC used to stand was very sobering.
On a happier note, One that affected me in a positive way was San Simeon....On the PCH/Central Cal. coast. Have you ever seen a sunset there? Awesome!